FAME Metagenomics workshop 2022

Download the fastq files for workshop

Goto https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/s/ZAwa5VsRZYjqpai

The files downlaod to your laptop under “subsamples.tar”

Let’s transfer them to the server provided for workshop

On your laptop, use WinSCP https://winscp.net/eng/index.php to transfer file

If you are using command line, on your laptop

scp –r subsample.tar username@

Confirm files were transfered to the server

Log in to the server

Once logged in, type the command


This should list the folder “subsample.tar”

Decompress the file

Type in the below command

tar -xvf subsample.tar

The decompressed folder will be labelled “subsample”.

Let’s learn how to use a text editor nano

Save a file called filename.txt with the 4 sample names

Commands to do this,

nano filename.txt

Add sample names


Save file – Ctrl+O

Exit file – Ctrl+X

Yay, all done with this tutorial!