Just another bioinf blog

Blog by Michael Roach: @BeardyMcJohnFace@genomic.social
email: mroach@bioinf.cc


SAGC and FAME Metagenomics Workshop 2022

07 Jun 2022

All material for the SAGC and FAME Metagenomics Workshop for 2022 are available from here.

(Click to expand)

Workshop material available at bioinf.cc/workshop2022


Krona plots are easy (metagenomics example)

21 Feb 2022

Krona plots are a fantastic way of representing heirarchial data such as taxonomic annotations. These plots are interactive, visually appealing, and best of all they're surprisingly easy to make. We'll use output from the metagenomics profiler 'FOCUS' as an example.


Managing thousands of pipeline files with permutations

06 May 2021

I'm working on a pipeline that uses and generates tens of thousands of files, and there's a good chance this could be expanded to produce hundreds of thousands. I wanted to avoid creating a few folders with thousands upon thousands of files in them, so I needed a way to distribute the files across a nested directory structure.


Inkscape: Hiding your Excel shame

29 Nov 2020

We've all been there; you just want to quickly plot some data to see if an experiment worked. You look over your shoulder to check that the coast is clear and fire up Excel. No self respecting computer scientist would actually use an Excel graph would they? Assuming you're happy with the data and want something presentable, do you repeat the process in GraphPad? Punch out a wall of R code? Or, do you just tweak it in a vector graphic application to make it look nice?


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